Evolution of the Sex Doll: What We Know

Sex dolls have come a long way since they were first detected hundreds of years ago, sewn together with nails and leather. The modern day sex doll is a reflection of the evolution of technology in our world, creating dolls that are so life-like, movies and TV shows

First discovery of sperm

Human sperm were first discovered by a student of Antonij van Leeuwenhoek in 1677 in the city of Delft. The name of the student is not known for certain: he is variously written up as Ludwig Hamm, van Hamm or von Hammen. According to some writers he is a Dutchman,

Most Optimistic Method

This form of coital activity, involving withdrawal of the penis so that no semen is ejaculated into the vagina, has long been practised as an optimistic contraceptive method. The famous biblical example is to be found in Genesis XXXVIII, 8-10- “And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother’s

Largest Human Testicle

Testicles are much of muchness, varying in dimensions very little from man to man. One authority, T. H. Van de Velde in his “Ideal Marriage”, puts the “mature testicle” at from 4 to 4½ cm. long, and from 2 to 24/5 cm. broad. It is suggested that “at the utmost”

Most Famous Sex-Change Court Case

The most famous “sex-change” case to get to court was that of England’s April Ashley. She had been born with male genitals but was psychologically female, i.e. she was a transsexual. She hated her penis and in 1960 underwent an operation to remove the visible signs of maleness: strictly speaking

Cunnilingus & Fellatio: Only Royal Example

There is no reason to suppose that royal personages do not enjoy their sex the same as the rest of us. Apart from the occasional scandal, however, we know very little of the sexual predilections of reigning monarchs: sometimes, after the event, some information leaks out. There is one nice

Most Ambitious Studies of Female Orgasmic Capacity

A number of sexological studies have attempted to relate the orgasmic capacities of women to a host of other factors, such as family background, attitudes towards parents, and personality structure. In recent times the most ambitious studies of this sort were carried out by L. M. Terman. The first involved